Lumwana is situated in the North-Western province of Zambia.
This blog offers a collection of photos taken by people in and around the Lumwana area.
March 5, 2008
Grey-Headed Kingfisher
English Name Grey-Headed Kingfisher Afrikaans Name Gryskopvisvanger Photographer Pierre Louw Location Lumwana Mine Lease Elna’s Notes The grey head and chestnut belly are diagnostic. Their size is 20-21 cm and sexes are alike. They are a locally common resident breeding intra-African migrant. They frequent well developed broad-leafed woodland and savanna, usually near water but are non-aquatic. They are either solitary or in pairs and would perch for long periods on a branch, scanning the ground below. They beat large prey on the perch before swallowing it. They migrate at night and are often killed by flying into buildings. They eat insects and lizards. Nestlings are fed by both parents. We found this one last September when we went for a drive on the mine lease. He sat quietly for a long time so we could really get a good look at him.
Many thanks Geraldo for your kind comment. I do apologise for not having posted anything on this blog for such a long time. I have no excuse as I have some very nice photos to publish - it is just the time to actually sit and write some notes to go with each photo that I haven't put any effort into. Hope you'll continue to follow the blogs. See the bits about our resident bush baby called Charlie on my Bosvrou blog ( He is a very special little creature.
My name is Elna Louw and I live in the middle of the African bush on a copper mine site in Lumwana, Zambia. My husband Pierre is the Finance Director for the project. We are South African and have been expating since 2000. Over the past 9 years we have lived in Tanzania, Australia and now Zambia. Before we left SA I was employed by Ernst & Young Johannesburg as a Project Manager. I loved my job but being out here in the middle of nowhere (or is it the centre of the universe) is fantastic. This blog is about my life here.
Hello Bosvrou,
It is a great pleasure to visit your nice and interesting blog for the first time.
Best wishes from Brazil:
Many thanks Geraldo for your kind comment. I do apologise for not having posted anything on this blog for such a long time. I have no excuse as I have some very nice photos to publish - it is just the time to actually sit and write some notes to go with each photo that I haven't put any effort into. Hope you'll continue to follow the blogs. See the bits about our resident bush baby called Charlie on my Bosvrou blog ( He is a very special little creature.
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