English Name Bateleur Afrikaans Name Berghaan Photographer Stan Jacobs Location Diversion Channel about 150m East of Diversion Dam 1-2 Stan's Notes It seems to be a favoured place for her. She seemed to be picking up some form of insect and wasn't at all concerned by the bakkie. I have often seen her there and when we were building the dam she actually paid a routine daily visit to the site. One day she picked up a snake that had somehow found its way into the middle of the cleared area and sat in a
tree opposite and enjoyed a good breakfast. When we first arrived here (May 2006) she and her mate very quickly learned that wherever the bull dozers were clearing there was a certainty of a "take away". They very soon developed a routine and at times you could almost guarantee they would be at a certain site at a certain time. Last year I saw a juvenile at the road coming into the Process Plant but that was the only time. I was beginning to despair but Mike Sprott from WBHO saw it again at Basalt Hill in early November this year. I really enjoy the bataleurs - they are such good fliers, once into the lift zone they just go without any effort, they must be one of the most efficient fliers the world has ever seen. Elna's Notes Red data book status in S Africa: Vulnerable.
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